Ready to Have Confidence, Rest from Striving, and Grow Your Self-Worth?

Own Your Worth is an 8-week group program for women who want more peace, are done trying to prove their already-inherent worth, and are ready to live with bold confidence.

Gain confidence and peace. Lose stress, insecurities, and feeling less than enough.

This program is for you ifā€¦

You feel guilty to ask for what you need.

You are tired of feeling like thereā€™s always more to do.

You play small so you donā€™t come across as "too much".

You tend to do all things because it makes you feel like youā€™re good enough.

You assume that others are just better than you are or have it more together.

You feel embarrassed to ask for what you want.

You struggle to rest or feel rested.

You have a hard time stopping negative self-talk.

You want to step into everything God is calling you to with confidence.

You want to feel rested and peaceful.

You are tired of feeling stuck in their beliefs, church, circumstances, performing, or life.

You want to release fear of judgement, fear of rejection, and fear of failure.

You are ready to experience growth, transformation, and breakthrough.

You are certainly not alone!

Inside Own Your Worth, I help you identify limiting beliefs, heal your relationship with God and yourself, and set you up to play all out!

You can break this cycle and own your worth!

Imagine how your life would be ifā€¦

You didnā€™t live by anyone else's standards.

You took care of yourself and prioritized your needs.

You released the need to be like anyone else and owned your uniqueness as invaluable.

You could let go of control.

You knew how to discern between the lies of the enemy and the truth of who God says you are.

You had a closer connection to the people you love because you live more authentically.

You let yourself rest.

You accepted your limits.

You knew that you are worth investing in and taking care of.

What would be different? What would you allow in your atmosphere? What dream would you chase? What would you let go of?

Shame is another word for feeling like we don't measure up. When we know what we want to believe - that we are enough, deserving of love, and worthy of rest - we can be embarrassed by feeling less-than or not enough.

ā€‹But feeling unworthy or less-than makes complete sense.
Maybe itā€™s from the way you internalized praise when you were growing up as your worth being in your performance.
Maybe it was through advertising that you began to see your worth in the way that your body looks.
Maybe it was from performance based religion that implied (or taught) that your value was reflected by how much you do and accomplished.

ā€‹These messages are all around us so it's no surprise when we default to measuring our worth and value by external factors.

Iā€™ve been there too! And youā€™re in the right place now!

You will walk away from this program withā€¦

  • Rest

    Learn how to rest more + receive without trying to earn.

  • Freedom

    Gain the freedom to fail and grow by releasing perfection.

  • Peace

    Less stress + peace-filled life leading to better health.

  • Connection

    Deeper connection and authenticity with your loved ones, yourself, and God.

  • Confidence

    Know what you want and confidently ask for what you need.

  • Empowerment

    Be empowered to be yourself and not shrink or hide your true self.

What others are saying:

Iā€™m here to help you become the powerful woman of God that you are!

I put together the Own Your Worth Group Intensive so you can break the cycle with negative self-talk, break the cycle with keeping yourself busy, and walk confidently and boldly.

When I first learned about God's grace and unconditional love, I don't think I grasped the extent that it would impact my life. It helped remove the motivations of fear, guilt, and shame. And then it allowed me to say no to even good things because I wasn't trying to prove anything by doing all the things. It allowed me to believe that I was valuable without accomplishing anything.

It allowed me to love and accept myself because if God wasn't condemning me, I don't have to either.

I wonder what "shoulds" are sitting heavy on your shoulders or on your mental to-do list.

Should've volunteered more last week.

Should've finished the dishes before I enjoyed my coffee.

Should've prepped supper instead of working on this project that isn't "productive".

Should read books to my kids more.

Should (insert whatever just came to mind)

ā€‹We can drown in a sea of "shoulds" and the expectations that we place on ourselves.

But picture with me what life would feel like without the pressure to measure up or gauge your worth by how much you get done or what other people think!

You can get victory over feeling small or less than!!!

You can be equipped with the tools to navigate the messaging that is around you trying to tell you that you're worthless or not good enough.

You can defeat the fear of what people think.

You can let God's voice guide and comfort you to stay grounded in the truth.

You can live a well-rested life.

You can feel like anything is possible!

You can have bold confidence.