My Story

I kept trying to prove that I was good enough.

Growing up, the church I attended heavily emphasized the need to do all the right things in order to please God and fit in with the community. This caused me to base my self-worth solely on achievements and fitting in, leaving me feeling stuck and boxed in. I spent all my energy trying to prove myself, constantly fearing God's disappointment or anger. Following rules and being productive was playing it safe, and guilt for questioning and longing for rest kept me silent.

In 2018, I was gifted a faith crisis that forced me to reckon with my beliefs and the spiritual abuse I had faced my entire life.

This was a transformative experience that completely changed the way I saw myself and my relationship with God.

I realized that my worth wasn't tied to my achievements or my ability to fit in with a particular group. Instead, I was chosen, beloved, valuable, and accepted just as I was.

This realization replaced the false identity I had constructed for myself based on achievements and fitting in.

It was a powerful reminder that God's grace and love are not something we can earn, but are freely given to us as a gift.

And Now I Believe




When you base your spirituality or self-worth on achievements, it's difficult to feel satisfied. But when you shift your focus to your worth in the eyes of God, you can finally find peace. As a faith coach, I can guide you in discovering your value as a beloved child of God and help you develop a deeper understanding of Jesus' teachings. By embracing this perspective, you can experience the abundant life that Jesus came to give us and find confidence through His love and grace.