Confidently be yourself!
Helping you own your worth so that you can stop feeling like you need to be strong or have it all together.

Offering 1:1 and group coaching and courses to help you overcome the fear of rejection, feeling like you’re not enough, and trying to prove or earn your worth.

If you’re like me, you know what it’s like to feel exhausted but not know a way off the hamster wheel without feeling less-than.

Read more about my story here.


But you don’t have to prove anything! Your worth and enoughness isn’t based on your strength, your accomplishments, or your check-list.

God actually calls you beloved and worthy. When you own who you are and stop trying to measure up or have it all together, you can try, live, and love with confidence.


I’m here to help you untangle beliefs and messages you’ve gotten from church or culture that have you feeling like there’s something wrong with you.
Who you are is enough!

When you own your worth, it unlocks a whole new world - one where you aren’t afraid to fail, learn to love yourself, and you show up unapologetically and confidently!